Thursday, July 12, 2012

Supplies arrive in Gulu!

St Mauritz Clinic staff accept thousands of $ in medicine and supplies from friends in The US. 

Donn and Buff meet Sister Hellen,In-Charge(her title)of St. Mauritz Clinic. Stern as she looks, she loved them!
Buff and Donn surviving in Africa!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Packing your gifts for the clinic!

This Thursday and Friday Susie, D-Ann and Rosie came over to pack all of the supplies and medicine donated for the clinic into 6 suitcases for Buff, Donn and me to take to JoAnn in Gulu. This included 10's of thousands of doses of adult and pediatric amoxicillin and all the items on the list except the plastic speculums (but we have an idea for where to get these). 

Please send us prayers and good karma so that none of the suitcases is over weight and the large amount of medication doesn't disturb customs officials along the way. (we have taken plenty of prescription meds before, and Donn is an MD, so Buff and I can always leave him for ransom!)

Today I went to the Bat/Bar Mitzvah for Sydney and Joseph Tischler! They did a great job, and former Doorways board member, Rabbi Howard Kaplanski, was in attendance. Sadly, I will miss party, but it is tomorrow at City Museum, and everyone in the entire world is invited. Hope you can make it!

Finally, yesterday was Mary Sue and Alison's annual anniversary and fireworks party. Everyone who was there is also invited to the Tischler party tomorrow at City Museum!

More to come on our trip to Gulu!