Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ralph Joseph Cooper, II. Resting in Peace


  1. That's a lovely tribute/collage, Lynne! Appreciated hearing your voice yesterday . . . hope all goes well today; am with you as always, Love,Cec

  2. Beautiful, Lynne. Brothers are significant in many ways. Appreciate the good memories. You are being kept in prayer. Love, Therese

  3. Lynne, I am so glad you were able to visit with Ralph, when you were in Georgia a few weeks ago.
    God owes you "big time" after this year!!
    Last night, when we told Ryan about Ralph, he said: "this has not been a good year for Lynne."
    Good things are coming for you in the New Year, "we pray to the Lord".
    You and your family are in our prayers. Rosie and Sue
