Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 Update!!!

Lynne's Groupies
Lynne, Alison, Sue, Murphy and Susan
Well I have gotten the message that I need to update the blog!

First, Happy Birthday, Cec! It's been a great 43 years of friendship!

The treatments have been going pretty well. I am now on the single drug and seem to be tolerating it. My white blood counts were too low to start the Abraxane. We will have another CT scan in three weeks to see how the tumor is responding, and we may start it then! In the mean time I have found out that a vaccine trial for pancreatic cancer, and including some of those who are not candidates for surgery (like me) will be starting in St. Louis, possibly as soon as next week. There are lots of hoops to jump, and I will have to be almost perfectly matched to the requirements of the trial, but my doctor does not see any of the more obvious red flags that would exclude me. This is the most cutting edge treatment introduced to me by Sean Muthian and articles from my cousin, Rene, and, if I qualify, I am very lucky to have it in St. Louis.

For now, I am able to work frequently though sometimes briefly. Joe Noelker is doing most of the day to day management, and we are collaborating on projects. Fatigue is my biggest challenge, and my memory at a moment's notice is not what it usually is. I take lots of naps! My appetite is usually the same, although Jo says I have more of a sweet tooth than I ever have had.

Thanks to all of you for your notes and encouraging thoughts, especially after My brother Ralph's death and memorial service. It really was a blessing in many ways. Clark and Beth were with him when he died, and his birth daughter, Angel, and her family, as well as family from Jacksonville and Valdosta and friends from our old neighborhood, attended the luncheon after the service at the cemetery.

I will try to send photos soon!

Please see the new website for the maternity clinic at and the updated Doorways website at

Sister JoAnn, Lynne, Jeff and Greg at Food Outreach
Christmas with Will, Seth, Grace and Sophia


  1. Appreciated your call this afternoon, Lynne; Jo too, and it is wonderful finding something on your blog. The info is great and the pictures, too!Love your "groupies" and the women I recognized even without the names --at least most of them. Birthday supper tonight was enjoyable and we met a young couple with three kids, the youngest just 8 wks old. Thanks again for the update and know you and Jo (and all) are in our daily prayer. Love, Cec

  2. Glad to get the blog. Any chance we will see you in Palm Springs? The new vaccine sounds good. I hope you fit the requirements. Is it a one time shot or a series? We think about you every day. Lynn and Nan (lake folks) are now getting your blog.

  3. Love reading/hearing your updates. You're in my thoughts and heart every day. Love you.

  4. Great update and Happy New Year! Good news about the trail! Daily thoughts and prayers your way, looking forward to seeing you at RED! Also liking new website!

    Kelly Goersch

  5. Lynn,
    So glad you posted again. Looks like there is some possibility for treatment...the vaccine and or getting into the abraxane... Will pray for the treatment to be successful.

  6. that was me in the last post forgot to sign it whoops! Nancy Marsh csj
