Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Booooooring and no interesting photos!

Today I had a CT scan. My platelets are still too low for chemo. Initial reports are that the mama tumor in the pancreas hasn't changed much, and the metastases have grown marginally. The bigger deal is that the blood clot around my port has increased despite the fact that I have been taking Lovenox shots twice daily (it is like heparin). Tomorrow I go for a test to see why the shots aren't solving the blood clot. Remember what I said about nuisance!?

The best news is that Paula, Iris, Beth and Sandi are coming this weekend for RED! I am sure there will be pictures.



  1. I'm grateful that you're keeping us posted. . .photos or no. What courage you're showing, Lynne. Anyone who'll photograph her own cellulite AND share it AND be open for comments. . .bravery I've never seen before. I stand in awe. Rose

  2. Am hoping all goes well for your RED weekend, and that you all have a wonderful time. Hope, too, that the cellulitis has calmed down a bit. Love as always, Cec

  3. Dang, so hate that for you. Here is hoping, wishing & praying next Tuesday is better news!

    Sure did miss missing RED, first one in many years! I'm sure it was spectactular as it always is and hopefully even more successful than ever.

    Continued thoughts and prayers

    Kelly Goersch
