Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My National AIDS Housing Coalition Colleagues

This weekend we had an east coast attack when my National AIDS Housing Coalition board of directors colleagues, Gina Quattrochi and Shawn Lang came from New York and Connecticut to see if I was faking or really sick! Mark Anderson, recently a local, joined us for a mini NAHC board meeting which, while recognizable, did not quite measure up to the usual brilliant but chaotic gatherings we have had around the country and internationally for the last 20 years! Thanks, Dudes!

And thanks to the Gee Rosenthal Bed And Breakfast, Linda Weisenstein (who brought enough food for a small country), and to Jo and Moe, who handled all the home chores!

I am so grateful for my friends who traveled to "fly over land" to see me and to all of you (Rosie and Susie, too) who helped me show them a good time.



  1. As I've said before, Lynne, what would we do without friends! And that's a two-way street ... you have been friends to many! Love you, Cec

  2. This is your best post, yet! =;-p. Seriously, though, you reap what you sow, and your friends that we met were really exquisite. I talked about all of them with a co-worker, and she said, "that's the Midwest". But I know that it goes much, much deeper than that. Our friends are a reflection of ourselves, and you dear friend, have such deep, loving, abiding and lovely friends who made me feel welcomed, cared for, and loved. Loved being with you and yours. Have a great trip to WA.

  3. Lynne, I've just read your full blog; behind you in so many ways. And sad, very sad. Your mentorship never ceases and the life you lead empowers us all. If you come to Washington State, may I provide transportation and/or see you? If not this round, then if you'll permit it, I'll come see you in early December. No need to respond until last minute - I'll drop everything. Much love, Randy.

  4. How is the current chemo going? Have been in touch with Mugs quite a bit. As long as she has contact she seems to be doing fine. I hope you'll make your Thanksgiving trip. We are spending the day with my family for the 1st time and then heading for the lake. Wish you could be with us. Archie
