Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Quilt for Me!

Rose made her first quilt for me. The name of the quilt is, "it takes a village" and Rose said it did take a village to make it, including Anne Bader and others!


I am reading Seriously, I'm Kidding by Ellen DeGeneres for a break, but lately have really liked Still Alice, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, the Hundred Brothers (a little weird), a Visit from the Goon Squad (also a little weird), Sarah's Key, The Book Thief and The Weird Sisters.



  1. Am going to take your suggestion seriously and get Still Alice... Thanks!

  2. I've read about half of these this year. Other faves of mine were Zeitoun, Blue Nights, Wondergirl (Babe Didrickson), Empire of the Summer Moon, Following Ezra.

  3. Just finished The Eye Of God( historical fiction about the Hope Diamond) really enjoyed it.

  4. The quilt is beautiful, and so are you!

  5. I love the quilt. What a nice thing to do. It looks like she made her own pattern which is hard. I am sure it will keep you warm and snuggled (is that a word?)

  6. I've read Still Alice and loved it lots! And I think I may have to get the Ellen book. Thanks for sharing good books with us!
